How Elon Musk is a positive leader

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Elon Musk is famous all over the world. World famous businessman with a large number of fans on the Internet. But what about Musk makes him so attractive as a positive leader? First, we need to understand who he is and how he came to be.

early years

Elon Musk was born in South Africa. His family was extremely wealthy due to the fact that his father owned an emerald mine. Later, Musk became interested in computers and programming. He even made his own game code and sold it for $500.

He will travel to the US and Canada to attend college. Then, as the Internet became a bigger and bigger phenomenon, Musk focused on it.

First company

Elon, his brother Kimbal and a business partner founded their first company, an online city guide. They slept in a small rented office space and focused all their time on it. They later moved on to create the first form of PayPal in 1999.

Space X

In the early 2000s, Musk became interested in Mars and space exploration. Musk founded Space X and was the CEO and chief engineer.

Leadership Mask

Since then, Musk has opened several other businesses and has become one of the most powerful and wealthy people in the world. However, he suffered from controversy along the way, usually because he opened his mouth when no one asked him to.

But, despite his reputation, he turned out to be a successful entrepreneur and a fairly positive leader. It’s also clear that he does what makes him work and that comes from his leadership style.


Musk encourages his team to be open-minded and find new solutions to our problems. He cultivates this mentality because it helps build relationships and loyalty. Musk cited his thoughts on trends: “…the advice I would give is not to blindly follow trends. Doubt and challenge the status quo. Make sure you understand the basic principles of what you’re trying to do before getting into the details, otherwise you might be building on the wrong footing.”

Failure and fear as motivation

In 2018, Musk tweeted about the difficulty and stupidity of launching and missile company management. He was removed from his position as CEO of two technology companies, and Tesla and Space X were on the verge of bankruptcy a decade earlier.

Musk, however, has been successful in his career. Everyone will have their ups and downs, but it is the determination to keep moving forward. When Musk breaks through, so does his team. Fear and failure often go hand in hand. There is a fear of failure, but that’s okay because everyone goes through it, even Musk. But standing your ground and being bold and confident in your business decisions will often make employees feel better.

Always learn

Elon Musk boasts that his rockets can fly to the International Space Station. This is no easy feat and no ordinary boasting. But Musk had a lot to learn along the way. It is also the key to becoming a great and positive leader.

You should never stop learning in your life, even if you just graduated from high school. There are trends, new reports and markets go up and down. Many factors indicate where our society is heading, so we need to keep an eye on new knowledge.

Musk himself said: “If you read a lot of books and talk to a lot of people, you can learn almost everything.”

Say no

Saying no can be a difficult task for some of us. This may seem awkward and even shameful. But can you imagine saying no to the President of the United States? This is exactly what Elon Musk did in 2017.

Musk served on the US Advisory Council during the Trump administration. However, when the administration withdrew from the Paris Agreement, Musk resigned. This is because he has values ​​that he cherishes and that are more important and valuable than any high position or power. He cares about the environment and wants sustainability for our world. That’s why he had to say no. As a leader, you must sometimes stand your ground when things don’t line up with your values.

Have a mentor

A mentor is a great way to help with success. They have experience with all the intricacies of the industry. They are also role models. But what if you don’t know who to go to? Do what Elon did.

Read biographies of leaders who inspire you. For him, it was Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin and many others.


Elon Musk is a successful businessman due to his leadership style and way of thinking. He wants to push humanity forward for the better as a positive leader. Dreams of colonizing Mars in his maps. But his words matter, and while not every leader is perfect, Musk still has room to grow.


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