How to start a tech company with no money (or experience)

tech no money computers

Creating a business is quite difficult, and turning an idea into a digital firm is not so easy. Whether you succeed or fail depends entirely on how you fight the mental war that started as an idea. Setting the right strategy can take more time and effort than developing your mind-blowing app or product. If you have succeeded in this, you have taken the first step towards successfully launching a technology company.

An important question that many people don’t pay attention to is this:

“How do you start a tech company if you don’t have the money or the skills?”

Let’s take a look at startup survival rates in 2020 before we get started. Before you estimate wrong, it’s about 10%; yes, you read it right! Nine out of ten new ventures fail because they don’t gain momentum to sustain themselves.

It’s hard to believe that the vast majority of new ventures fail.

According to experts, almost every technology startup makes several critical mistakes in the early stages. More than half of these failures are related to the creation of things for which there is no market; in other words, entrepreneurs are doomed to failure if they create something no one wants.

In order not to make the same mistakes as their predecessors, today’s aspiring entrepreneurs must analyze the causes of death of their colleagues. If your startup has a well thought out game plan and avoids the most common pitfalls, it is more likely to succeed.

What are the next steps in growing a software company with no money after you’ve figured out how to avoid the most common pitfalls?

How to start a new technology company with no money?

Prioritize Your MVP’s Features

It’s not enough to have a brilliant startup idea to take your digital firm to the next level; Founders often fail due to insufficient attention to detail in their business plans.

Before you begin, make sure your product map is pointing in the right direction. Your product can be analyzed with a simple diagram to see how it fits with users’ goals and their various problems.

Below are the three main steps we need to follow:

  • Make sure your ideas are sound.
  • Get the opinion of your consumers
  • Achieving product market fit

What questions should you ask yourself?

  • What’s the point of your product if customers don’t need it?
  • What is the benefit of using your product?
  • Who does the product serve?

Do you have a clear vision for your business, product or service? Are you sure you have everything you need to build your MVP right away when you have it? If you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you write down the elements of MVP that are most important to you before moving on.

Pre-sell your MVP

Preselling your MVP is a popular strategy for funding your software development company with no money. In other words, don’t wait until you run out of cash before attracting customers who are willing to pay right away.

However, this is one of the most difficult tasks for a business founder. Since customers sometimes take time to think, evaluate, consider or discuss your products and services, they are unlikely to buy them right away.

However, we could quickly address this major issue with a few minor changes. See how to approach customers from a new perspective. Also, how you promote your MVP will also affect its success.

Preselling your MVP involves the following five key steps:

  • Determine if your business plan is viable
  • Create a pre-order landing page around a consumer complaint.
  • Guarantee that the client’s problem will be solved.
  • Increased sense of lack of time

Upselling can be a huge success if you follow these five simple methods to bring in more customers.

Get employees with stock options

How to hire a technician? Are you incompetent? It doesn’t matter much. You don’t have to look for the right people; you need the right stock offer and the perfect business idea.

It is possible to find a technical co-founder if you have both. Typically, a technical co-founder receives from 10 to 35% of the shares.

Your technical co-founder can be found in many ways:

  • Online and offline communication with programmers
  • Connection with other networks.
  • Attend startup meetings and share your thoughts with other people.
  • Spread the word about your hunt by talking to as many people as possible.

Attract new customers

Now is the time to apply the proven MVP to the right market niche. The most important thing is to keep working hard until you have your first few clients.

Even if you think your idea is brilliant, if you can’t pitch it to your target clients, you will waste your time and money and your firm will eventually go bankrupt.

Focus more on your customers’ comments about what features to keep and what to get rid of, rather than the money they bring in.

However, if you’re having a hard time finding clients for your MVP, here are some cheap and easy ways I came across:

  • Use the resources of foreign networks.
  • Look for business partners.
  • Participate in online communities that interest you.
  • Choosing the Best Social Media Platform to Acquire New Customers
  • Find the perfect influencers to promote your product.


In addition to the suggestions above, I am going to offer you the following additional pointers for start your own tech firm with no money:

  • An agile methodology should be adopted.
  • Analyze your data and make a summary.
  • Stay up to date with market developments and be one step ahead.
  • Spend time and money on your professional growth
  • Boost your online visibility and visibility
  • Working with famous companies
  • Watch your rivals.
  • Upgrade what you already have. Scale


The path of a startup to success is a long one. This journey is fraught with dangers and warning signs along the route. Most Entrepreneurs Build Their Technology Firms Wrong Waybut you can get ahead of them and build a tech company with the right roadmap and commitment.


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