Catastrophic Personal Injury Vs Personal Injury: Understanding The Difference And When to Call a Lawyer

When you’re injured, your first thought is probably going to be about getting better. However, you may also wonder if you have a case for legal action and what that would mean for your recovery.

The difference between a catastrophic personal injury and a normal personal injury can be confusing. The two types of injuries are similar in some ways, but they differ in how they affect the injured person’s life, as well as the type of compensation they may receive with the help of a catastrophic personal injury attorney.

An Overview of Personal Injuries

Personal injury cases are any injuries that are not considered catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries include brain injury, spinal cord damage and paralysis. If you were in a car accident and suffered from whiplash, that would be considered a personal injury claim. A slip-and-fall case or dog bite can also result in a personal injury claim.

Personal injuries range from mild to severe depending on the nature of the incident. These types of injuries usually result in physical pain, but most people recover within a few weeks or months with little more than a scar or limp to show for it.

An Overview of Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic personal injuries are those that cause significant long-term damage or permanent disability to a person’s body. These kinds of injuries can include brain damage, spinal cord injuries and broken bones.

When a person suffers from these kinds of injuries, they may require lifelong care and treatment. This can affect their ability to work and live independently. In addition, the medical bills associated with the treatment for these types of injuries can be extremely expensive.

A catastrophic personal injury typically results from:

  • Negligence on the part of another person or company (for example, when someone causes an accident and injures you in the process)
  • A medical error by a doctor or nurse
  • A defective product

Difference Between Catastrophic and Personal Injuries

A catastrophic injury usually results from a car accident or slip-and-fall accident where the victim suffers severe brain damage or spinal cord damage that causes permanent disability. These types of injuries can lead to life-long medical care and rehabilitation.

Non-catastrophic injuries are typically defined as those that do not result in severe brain damage or permanent disability. These types of personal injury claims generally involve less severe injuries such as broken bones, cuts and bruises.

Examples of Catastrophic Injuries

Examples of these types of injuries include:

  • Brain injuries (including concussions)
  • Spinal cord injuries (paralysis)
  • Burns that result in scarring or disfigurement (burn scars)
  • Amputations such as fingers or legs

How Can I Get Compensation For My Injury?

In a nutshell, you can sue the person who caused your injury or the company that made the product that caused your injury. If you were injured because of a government employee’s negligence, then you should also consider suing the government itself.

In Summary: Do I Need to Call a Lawyer?

If you have suffered injury, you need to make sure that you take the time to understand your rights and obligations. You should always seek legal advice from a catastrophic personal injury attorney before taking any action.

While the decision to seek legal advice is a personal one and should be based on your own circumstances, it is absolutely crucial because it will help you understand how your injuries arose, what compensation you are entitled to and how to proceed with your claim.

If you delay seeking legal advice, then chances are that you will lose out on some if not all of the compensation that is available to you.


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