7 Ways to Make More Money as a Freelancer

woman handing out cash and scheduling

Freelancing provides freedom, flexibility, and unlimited creative control. However, freelancing also has its problems.

Behind new freelancers, it can be difficult to find your footing and start attracting clients. For experienced freelancers, things can start to feel stagnant. You may not know what steps to take to take your freelance business to the next level.

No matter where you are in your freelancing journey, there are things you can do to increase your income potential. Here is a list of seven simple strategies to help you make more money as a freelancer.

1. Understand your ideal customer

You may have heard the saying, “If you try to sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one.” If you want to be a successful freelancer, it’s important that you hone your ideal client. The more precise you can be, the easier it will be for you to find and get the right client. When you target your ideal customer, it results in less time spent looking for the wrong types of leads.

If you’re unsure about your ideal client, here are a few questions you can ask yourself to narrow down your search:

  • What problem are you solving? For example, if you are a freelance writer, you are solving the problem of lack of content or inability to create actionable content. Now you are looking for clients who need help with this problem.
  • What niche do you want to focus on? If you are a web developer, do you want to focus on web development for law firms or nutritionists?
  • What type of people would you ideally like to work with? What do you value as a freelancer? Time, money, freedom? Once you know, you can aim to find freelance clients who fit those values, understand your value, and are willing to pay for it.

2. Become an expert

Becoming a specialist offers a number of opportunities to earn more money as a freelancer.

First, when you become a specialist, you become more valuable in your industry. The more specific your specialty is and the fewer people can do what you do, the higher your stakes can be.

Second, when you have more professional expertise in a specific area, you can get the job done faster. Since you know the subject inside and out, it will take you very little time to complete the project.

Thirdly, being a specialist makes it easier to find clients because you know exactly who you are looking for. Also, if you specialize in a small niche and do a great job, people will start to recognize your name and search for you.

3. Optimize your performance

There are several strategies you can use to optimize your performance. make money online as a freelancer:

  • Create schedule Make sure you have a plan for each day so you can focus on your work and not waste time figuring out what you should be doing.
  • Use task batch processing – grouping is when you group (or batch) similar tasks together over a period of time. This strategy helps improve concentration and productivity. For example, you can combine all your creative tasks like writing and design in the morning and only answer emails in the afternoon. You can also group by day of the week. You may decide to only hold meetings and calls with clients on Wednesdays so that you can focus on your freelance work without interruption the rest of the day.
  • Outsourcing – if you can afford it, consider paying someone to do certain tasks that take time away from your main freelancing activity. This may include things like bookkeeping or administrative tasks. This can be an effective productivity strategy as you use the time saved by outsourcing to complete tasks that will bring you more money.

4. Focus on valuable customers

While having clients is obviously essential to running a successful independent business, having the right clients is essential. Getting rid of any paying customer may seem counterintuitive, but you should estimate the opportunity cost.

If you have low-paid clients who monopolize your time with unnecessary phone calls or ridiculous demands, you have to wonder if they are really worth keeping.

Perhaps your time could be better spent looking for more suitable clients. Better suited in terms of your values, and better suited financially. Recall that one of the main the pros of being a freelancer is that you can choose your clients.

5. Sell Information Products

There are exactly as many hours in a day as you can work and earn money as a freelancer. As a result, there is a limit to your potential income. However, by creating and selling an information product, such as an online course, you can start earning the best form of income…passive income!

Use your education, knowledge, skills and experience to create an information product or course that will help others. While it takes a lot of upfront work to create an information product, once it’s built and released, you can sit back and reap the financial rewards.

6. Build your network

As a freelancer, your livelihood depends on finding paying clients. Building your network and online presence (via guest posting sites For example) that’s one way to get your name out there.

You can also create profiles on some social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Share your best freelance work and focus on building long-term online connections. Use tools like Facebook Groups to find your target audience and be an active and helpful participant in group discussions.

Networking takes time and effort, so make sure you set aside some time each day or week to ensure a consistent presence. While you may not see results overnight, this is an effective long-term strategy for finding new clients and making more money.

7. Do amazing work

“Be so good that they can’t ignore you,” said Steve Martin.

If you want to make more money as a freelancer, make sure you always do your best work. Be better than everyone else and care more.

There are tons of competitors out there, regardless of your freelancing area. If you want to make a name for yourself and start charging big money for your services, then be the best at what you do.


Whether you’re new to freelancing or a seasoned pro, these seven strategies will help you take your freelance business to the next level and start making more money.

Freelancing provides amazing freedom and flexibility, but it also requires discipline, motivation, and fuss. For most freelancers, success doesn’t come overnight. But if you apply some of these techniques and stick to them, then you will surely begin to see the fruits of your labor.

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