Tips for Creating A Facebook Page

Tips for Creating A Facebook Page

How many platforms are you currently selling your product on? one? three? ten? Is one of them your Facebook Shop page? It should be Here’s why selling on Facebook makes sense:

📢 “You have to learn how to sell on Facebook!” Every business, big or small, hears this word without getting much advice on how. Really do it successfully. The problem is that if you have an online store, you should consider selling it elsewhere like Amazon, Facebook, and even Etsy. Since people are more likely to spend time on a platform other than your website, you can broaden your reach and find more customers.

Create Facebook Business Page

Many business owners want to create a long-lasting online site that can grow their home business through Facebook and connect their business with millions of users from different regions around the world. You can use the Facebook page to sell followers and increase them continuously.

As of 2019, Facebook has over 360 million users. Facebook is the only social media that best meets the marketing needs of large companies. In fact, the number of Facebook users continues to increase over the next three years. So if you’re serious about business growth, it’s best to start Facebook.

What is Facebook page and Business Page

Every great journey starts with one step and you can build a great Facebook business fan page with just one click.

Producing high-quality, high-quality content

So to speak, the content is king. However, people do not read what is posted online. Instead, readers find great content that can provide information and add value. If you create content that impresses your current followers, you want to share the content in your profile for others to see. This allows many people to view your content and interact with the page. The more content people share, the more opportunities they have to expand their Facebook follow-up.

Invite Facebook page to business page

Inviting friends to like and follow your Facebook page is an alternative to Facebook advertising. There is a limit to the number of invitations you can send to your friends, but sending invitations is the best way to get started. By default, there are only 5,000 profile friends on Facebook. For business pages, if you’re inviting a friend, up to 5,000 people like it over time, but everyone you’ve invited likes the page and there’s little chance that you’ll join next.

Fortunately, a friend who likes your business page will recommend it to your friends when viewing valuable content. You can also ask your friends to suggest pages to your friends.

Invite email subscribers to like Facebook page

If you are using email marketing, let your subscribers know about your Facebook page. It’s likely that the subscribers will like the page because they already know and trust me.

Ideally, use an HTML email so you can click on the link. Most email list providers offer templates that make it easy to have visually engaging emails that attract readers. You can include a request to request the page directly, such as “Visit the Facebook page to get more useful information and information.” You can also include a link to the page as part of the signature line.

How to Create Admin on Facebook Page

Share your Facebook page using a business card

Few business people use business cards anymore. You may have heard what they said was outdated. The truth is:

  • Business cards are still an effective direct marketing tool.
  • Business cards are cheap and cost effective. In addition, it is easy to carry, so you can always give a gift, but it helps customers to refer when they need it.
  • Business cards share with professional handshakes and conversations, helping to create personal links with customers.

But how does this card help you grow Facebook? Include the URL of the page on your card, invite recipients to join the conversation on your Facebook page, and then follow your business.

Share Facebook pages using business correspondence

One of the easiest ways to interact with new and revisited customers is through business letters. Even when digital content is enthusiastic, business correspondence is still very effective. In fact, personalized letters are much more effective because they provide personal contact. Direct mail is often used to sell products or services, but it can also be used to build Facebook.

But don’t just blow that letter. Before writing a letter, ask some questions.

  1. How does the new Facebook page help followers?
  2. If you like the page and visit it, what is it worth?

It is important to understand that the recipient must answer these questions in the letter before following them. You should know what benefits you have by following the page. What should they bother?

Promote your Facebook page for only $20.00

Facebook is the second largest ad network after Google Adwords. So there’s no doubt that you can leverage the power of Facebook advertising to increase online users.

The company also offers the cheapest advertising and promotional rates on the internet, starting at $5.00 per post. It’s an affordable price to expose your Facebook page to millions of people in your target market. You can make your Facebook page even more attractive with a Facebook template that offers a luxurious and unsightly look.

There are a number of good reasons to ask Facebook to promote your page.

  • Your page will like a lot.
  • Facebook helps people find me easily for the right reason at the right time.
  • If you ask Facebook to promote your page, we can guarantee a conversion rate higher than your initial estimate.

Compared to other advertising options, Facebook ads offer great value.

Following Facebook doesn’t happen overnight, but you can use the tips above to help Facebook. You can give people the value and reason to follow, and then continue to grow as they approach their current and potential customers.

Why and how to sell on Facebook

In a world full of multi-platform companies, it’s hard to keep up with the competition unless you expand to the places your customers visit the most. Facebook is one of the places people spend most of their time online. This is one of the reasons why selling on Facebook is a great idea!

In fact, Facebook users spend an average of 40 minutes or more per day on popular social networks. And a good chunk of that time goes to Facebook shopping.

Considering this happens every day, it’s quite a lot of time! Needless to say, you can think of the personal experience of so many of us spending so much time clicking links and liking posts on Facebook throughout the working hours.

So it’s time to use Facebook as your sales platform! Facebook may not offer e-commerce features. Shopify or BigCommerce But you get everything you need to start selling your products.

The great thing about the Facebook Shop page is that you don’t have to have an existing online store and you can run the entire job through Facebook if you wish. But the benefits don’t end there. Through the Facebook Shop page, you can:

  • Add an unlimited number of products
  • Organize your products into collections and categories
  • Communicate directly with customers through the page
  • Report statistics on sales, visits, etc.,
  • By displaying your products on the Facebook Marketplace, you can access a much larger audience.

The last one on this list is good enough reason to go through the entire Facebook shopping page.

How do I set up a Facebook Store using Facebook?

To set up a Facebook store, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to your Facebook page and configure your store page.

Step 2: Set up your store details.

Step 3: configure payment

Step 4: Add the product to your Facebook store.

Step 5: order management

Step 6: done

Now, here’s how to get rid of all the “reasons” and then set up your Facebook shopping page.

What do you need to build a Facebook Shop page?

💡 Anyone who doesn’t know yet creates a Facebook Shop page and guarantees that Facebook can start selling instantly to followers by default.

Here’s what you need before you start:

  • Facebook account
  • Facebook business page

It shouldn’t be too difficult for the two to get off the list. Facebook already has a business page, so I’ll skip this part and go straight to Meat and Potatoes instead.

In addition to the above two requirements, your Facebook page must comply with:

  • Sell ​​real items-means there is no way to sell digital or downloadable products on your Facebook shopping page
  • Terms of seller agree to Facebook
  • Link to a valid bank account *
  • Have a tax identification number *

* This is only valid for US based stores. The exact tax identification number depends on the location of the business.

If you are positive that the above is not an issue in your case, set up a Facebook store.

in haste? Instead of reading, watch this video on how to create a Facebook shopping page.

Step 1: Go to Facebook page and configure shopping page

The first step is to go to your Facebook business page. You must log in to the business page and have administrator privileges.

By default, many Facebook business pages already have a shopping page displayed when you log in. Invisible to customers, but visible to users.

To get started, find the appropriate store tab on the left and click on it.

Facebook shopping page

Having trouble finding the store tab?


Store page setup

Step 2: set up store details

Information for US stores
The Select Store tab shows a pop-up describing the settings you are trying to view. Feel free to read it and click the Get Started button.
Established a Facebook shop
Another pop-up will appear asking for your business details. Start by entering your business type and address. Then the next .
Shop 2 opened
The next step is to ask for the state and tax registration number in which you are doing business. You can skip this step for now, but at some point you will need to provide this information to Facebook.
Tax number
The next step is where you can mark the types of products you want to sell on Facebook.
How to sell on Facebook: what do you sell
There are no taxes yet! In the next step, Facebook will ask for your business type and the information of the person in charge of the business. It is most likely yours, unless you specify someone else.
Tax information

Having done this, something difficult happened and you can now complete the store setup on Facebook.

The last thing you need to check is your shipping options, return policy, and customer service email. Choose from a list of available shipping options and set up details for each.


As per Facebook rules, the package must be shipped within 30 business days after receiving the order. Customers must receive the package within three days of order. This is one of the things that makes Facebook shopping attractive to people. You also need to use a shipping service that provides features such as tracking and shipping confirmation. A more important detail is that if the customer has not yet marked it as shipped, they can cancel their order within three minutes of their purchase.

Also, with Facebook, you cannot ship internationally or sell outside the country where your store is set up. In most cases, when someone from another country comes into your store page, you see a blank page like this:

Sell ​​on Facebook: empty store example

The final step before completing setup is to accept the merchant terms and policies (depending on your account settings and location).
Read this for stores that don’t live in the US.



Facebook Store: Payment Methods




Once done, you will be taken to the new store page where you can add products and set everything up.

Step 3: configure payment

Depending on the country of operation, the Facebook store module offers a different set of options here. For U.S.-based businesses, the most common setup is to link a bank account and deposit funds (obtained from an order).

Other Cases-For other regions abroad, you can set up payments via PayPal or Stripe on Facebook.

The integration process itself is simple, but changes from time to time due to updates from PayPal and Stripe themselves.

Stripes pay

The good news is that you can get your hands on it directly through the Facebook store interface while going through the setup.

⚠️ “I can’t see this section!”

Yes, in some cases this section of settings may not appear at all. This happens, for example, if you are an EU-based user. In this case, you can skip to the next step.

👉 Here is a bank account setup for US users. alien

You will now see a module asking you to set up payments to publish your store. Please click the Payment Settings button.

The first pop-up asks for tax information. This is mandatory and cannot be edited later. So, make sure you have the correct information about your business name, employer identification number and legal name. Click on the Wish button.
The final step is to connect your bank for payment. Enter your bank account number and account number along with the account name. Click to Wish button.

Step 4: add products to your Facebook store

When you first create your new store page, it looks like this:

Facebook Shopping: Empty Facebook Store

As you can see, Facebook recommends adding the first product. Just click. Add Product button. If you do, you will see a format like this, but it depends on your country.

🇺🇸 For US based stores
Add product
This form looks very simple and gives you all the details you can expect.
  • Product photo or video. You need to add at least one product picture. It is much better to add multiple images. We can also consider the types of products we sell on Facebook and add a video if it’s relevant. click Add Picture to insert product image. This works the same as any other upload interface where you can take images from your computer and upload them to your Facebook store.
  • name and lecture outline are pretty self-explanatory. Again, all of this depends on the type of product you sell, so be creative and feel free to talk about what makes your product special. You can also simply copy the product description used by the e-commerce store.
  • price . Without this important detail, the list of products cannot be used.
  • List . Tracking your inventory helps you understand how much sales you have and make sure everything is included in the book.
  • Shipping options . Choose from the shipping options you configured during setup and fill out the details of this particular product.
  • Please share this product on your page . Check this box to share the product on the page as soon as you approve the product.
  • Visibility . Set this to “public”.

Click on Wish to finish the process.

⛔🇺🇸 for overseas stores
Add product form


When done, your product will be displayed in real time on your store page.

Product live

When a customer clicks on it, a more detailed view is displayed with a button that allows them to “check out from the website”, leading to the product page of the e-commerce store.

Product Live 2

You can always add more products through the store. Click the Add Product button.

Add more products

Or, if it makes sense in your case, you can also create a collection of products.

Add Collection

Product management

When you upload a certain number of products, each product appears in a list in the store management panel. To get it the link on the top bar of the posting tool :

Publishing tools

Products in the sidebar . The following screen will appear.

Store management

Here you can edit each product and add new ones.

Step 5: order management

⚠️ Order management is not a feature released on Facebook stores around the world. It is mainly available in the US and elsewhere.

How to check if this feature is there?

Simply from the publishing tools main menu:

Publishing tools

Find it. Link the order to the pending sidebar. If it has it, there is order management!

Pending orders

By clicking on that link, you can process your order, check each detail, view buyer information, communicate, and eventually fulfill your order. Also, Facebook will send you a notification whenever your order is complete.

As per Facebook’s rules, each order must be shipped within three business days of receiving the order. Once your order has shipped, press the Mark as Shipped button to finish everything.

Alternative setup: how to sell on Facebook through an existing ecommerce store

The scenarios presented in this guide were essentially all “manual” because there were no better words. I mean it was all about setting up your Facebook store. But not necessarily.

Some of the modern e-commerce solutions are actually fully integrated with Facebook, linking external e-commerce stores and Facebook store pages while automatically setting up store pages.

This means you can manage your orders and products in one place, and everything can sync seamlessly with Facebook.

Let me show you two ways to use the most popular ecommerce solutions on the market. Shopify and BigCommerce.

How To Sell On Facebook Via Shopify

Shopify itself is a great ecommerce solution. We’ve talked a lot about it here on the site and have really recommended it to those who are looking for an easy way to start an online store.

One of Shopify’s many advantages to establish your store Facebook without dealing with many technical hurdles

All you have to do is open the Shopify panel and add an app called Facebook Channel to your settings.

What happens when you install the app? Shopify takes all products and exports them to your Facebook shopping page. Everything is in sync so you can keep managing your store. Make all your Shopify changes to your Facebook shopping page.

If that’s not enough, Shopify even offers you a tool to sell via Facebook Messenger .

👉 Click here to go to Shopify to get started .

💡 But keep in mind. The Shopify Shop doesn’t provide a smart back door of the Facebook interface for setting up your Shop page. The same Facebook regional rules and restrictions still apply. For example, if Facebook doesn’t allow order processing through your country’s Facebook interface, then Shopify doesn’t have the ability to help you either. The same goes for other restrictions.

How To Sell On Facebook Through BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a major competitor to Shopify and in many ways a great alternative that only offers the same range of features in different packages. You can find a solution that fits perfectly either into Shopify or BigCommerce.

On the front of your Facebook Shop page, BigCommerce can do almost the same thing as you Shopify- connect any online store any product on Facebook seamlessly.

Doing it the way you set up BigCommerce is very similar to how you do this by simply installing the Shopify Facebook Store add-on.

BigCommerce also offers a very useful module for Facebook Ads, giving you another interesting way to place your product in front of people.

👉 Click here to go to Shippo vs Shipstation  .

💡 Keep it in mind again. It doesn’t provide a smart back door to the Facebook interface for setting up your BigCommerce Shop page. The same Facebook regional rules and restrictions still apply. For example, if Facebook doesn’t allow order processing through your country’s Facebook interface, BigCommerce doesn’t have the ability to help you either. The same goes for other restrictions. Here BigCommerce says about this in their docs .

FAQ: When creating a Facebook Shop page

In the comments section, we have received extensive questions from readers. We want to briefly describe the most popular so that people can quickly refer to the most pressing issues.

“What are the image requirements for product photos on the Facebook Shop page?”

Your best bet is to check out Facebook’s instructions for product listings-as requirements change from time to time.

There are a few things to worry about, such as size, image format and background. For example, at the time of writing this article, Facebook recommends an image resolution of 1024 x 1024 or higher with a white background and a square image.

“Why can’t a customer buy multiple products from one shopping cart?”

It all depends on your website and payment processor. Facebook doesn’t offer a default shopping cart in all regions, so transactions are redirected to your shopping cart and payment processor. That said, Facebook is releasing these features to new countries as we say.

“What products cannot be sold on the Facebook Shop page?”

Facebook lists prohibited items . Some of the non-approved products include prescription drugs, weapons, animals, alcohol, and anything that promotes discrimination.

Also, you can only sell real products. This means there are no downloads or other types of digital products.

“Why can’t some people see my Facebook store?”

There are two reasons for this to happen.

  1. Stores are not available in countries other than you.
  2. The privacy settings for the entire page may be set incorrectly. It’s an easy mistake. Go to Settings page’s page visibility parameter was set to Published Pages . like this :

Page visibility

“Should I add products manually?”

It depends on several factors. Here is the point.

  • If you’ve set up your shopping page through an external ecommerce tool like Shopify or BigCommerce, everything should sync automatically. That said, Facebook has information on how to connect your store and sync all your products with your Facebook store page.
  • Yes, if you have manually set up your shopping page, you need to continue adding products manually. The same goes for updating details such as price, availability, and description.

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