How Publishers Reach adblock Users Through Acceptable ads

As the options for advertising are increasing, more and more users are using Adblock programs. Faced with this ever-increasing trend, publishers are struggling to effectively respond and reduce lost sales.

According to Adblock service provider Eyeo, about 10-20% of Internet users around the world use the Adblock program, and according to eMarketer, its use on desktops/laptops and smartphones continues to increase. In most cases, users download Adblock programs because ad banners or pop-ups on a particular site are too intrusive or too many ads are displayed, which interferes with their online experience. And the program stays active throughout the use of the browser. In fact, no one has ever encountered an annoying advertisement that they want to put away. It has a negative impact on the general and ultimately many reputable publishers and advertisers who consider the needs and experiences of users.

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Users who don’t care about advertising

While some ads are distracting, uncomfortable, and displaying unwanted merchandise from viewing your content, the majority of Internet users don’t care about ads as long as they are of good quality and do not interfere with the user experience. In HubSpot ‘s survey, 83% of online users say it’s okay to show ads as long as they are relevant and unobtrusive. Even many users understand the importance of advertising to support the open internet. 77% of users would like to have a way to use ad filters instead of completely blocking ads.

In a survey conducted by Omdia of 5,000 people around the world, commissioned by Criteo, 70% of consumers said they would be willing to see ads if they could view the content for free. Similarly, publishers and advertisers are responsible for creating valuable content for users and providing quality and relevant advertising.

The role of Acceptable Advertising

As Albert Einstein said, there is an opportunity in the midst of difficulties. There is an opportunity to convert more than 200 million Adblock users into customers by providing high-quality ads that are welcoming.

What are Acceptable Ads? Adblock These ads are thoughtful, user-experienced, and relevant. Media company acceptable ads require user consent and are not inconvenient or intrusive. Media companies can earn money through advertising space while respecting the opinions of Adblock users. ​

These opportunities to monetize Adblock users are bigger than you might have thought. Eyeo, a partnership with Criteo, specializes in building products that maintain a fair and open web, giving users a choice and providing publishers with a user-friendly opportunity to generate revenue. These partnerships will be key to the industry’s continued support of user input.

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