How to Leverage Marketing Automation to generate more leads:

How to Leverage Marketing Automation to generate more leads:


If you are still using the old traditional ways to run a business in this modern world of 2020, let me introduce you to a better way to transform your business through “Marketing Automation”.

What is Marketing Automation?


“Marketing Automation allows a person to automate repetitive, but necessary marketing tasks, improve productivity and drive efficiency by minimizing the manual task”.

Also Read: Marketing Automation tool

It enables you to find new customers faster, increase loyalty among your existing customers. It increases your communication and your engagement with them too. Marketing automation allows you to easily evaluate your leads and nurture them based on their needs, generating more sales.

With marketing automation, you can do all your work out of a single platform that you access via the internet.


You go to a website you build up the whole workflow, the technology then makes it very simple, load up your contacts, weight up your artwork ego and whole thing runs automatically which is why it’s called marketing automation.

And then you can run whole lot of campaigns at the same time for different segments in your customer base, across different stages of the customers life cycle and across different parts of the business. Automation has made marketing faster.

What is Lead generation?

“Lead generation helps you to attract customers to your business site, it collects their contact information and further engage them to become your regular & loyal customers”.


Lead generation

Lead is a person that takes interest in your brand or product, they provide you their information by subscribing on your site to show their interest in buying your product, this will provide you an opportunity to interact with only those customers who are ready to buy your product without you wasting your time on the non-serious customers who are not willing to be your loyal customers in future.

Measuring a lead interest level allows you to focus on the right leads at the right time. It helps you to make more money by attracting targeted audience which further becomes your regular customers.

Who are Targeted audience?

People often use to advertise their new business via brochures, television ads or newspapers. These methods were failed to attract the targeted audience with whom the seller directly wanted to do the marketing of their product.

Example 1:

If you are selling a product relating to cosmetics and you are advertising it through brochures. So now your brochure is going to too many different places even to the people who are not interested in buying cosmetic products or who are even far away from it. So there are less chances that your brochure will reach the people who are really interested in buying your products. Because of this reason your sales value will decrease.

That’s why now people are using lead generation method to attract their targeted audience.

Lead generation is providing opportunities to the sellers by giving them their targeted audience. So that they directly deals with their buyers which increases their chances of sale.

Example 2:

You’ve started a business of sports products, then you use lead generation method to target your audience, you locates people around your area and see who play sports and who needs to get fit?. Now you makes a list of this targeted audience and then you tries to contact them via e-mail marketing or will call them one by one to tell them about your product. This increases the chances of sale. Because you targeted all those audiences whose interest is already related to your product. So out of 100 you are definitely going to get 70-80 buyers through lead generation.

Where to get more leads?

The best places to fin the more leads are:

How to leverage the Marketing Automation via automation tools:

Marketing automation is using software and technologies to aide sales and marketing by automating simple tasks it functions more effectively through using multiple channels. Using automation tools can increase customers engagement, strengthen timely communications and increase demand generation opportunities.

  1. Increase engagement:

You can increase your engagement among your existing customers and your new customers.


  • A new customer to your business may not know everything about you and your products and services that you have. So you welcome them by sending them a welcome email & tell them about your company, what you offer and you educate them well about it. You should engage them for a longer period of time and respond to them immediately.
  • Always mention links in your email to attract new customers.
  1. Thank you email:
  • Thank you emails gets much more attachment than any other emails. When you send a thank you email to your customers it generates six times the revenue of other emails.
  • Research shows that people click through and open the thank you emails at a higher rate than any other typical emails
  • It helps to increase the loyalty of your customers and the interaction with them.
  1. Flattened your scale funnel:
  • By flattening your scale funnel you can reduce the amount of time of taking someone from a lead to a prospect to a sale.
  • You can reduce time by answering your customers via already written emails but if you suspect any new question you can set up a slight conversation with them.
  • Flattening the funnel scale make the way easier for the customer from the awareness stage to the purchase stage.


 Set up triggers:

  • The trigger is responding to your customer’s behavior.
  • Triggers are directly related to your customer’s actions when viewing your site.
  • You can trigger your customers by sending them welcome and thank you note, display a confirmation message & email visitors who visit other sites.
  • Send highly engaged customers with more promotional emails.
  • Send customers all new offers to get their interest.
  1. Lead scoring:
  • Score your leads because lead scoring is the top revenue contributor of some top marketers.
  • You assign a score to your customers for every action they take. It increases the sales rate.
  • The lead scoring consist contains pages visited, a number of visits, email opens, email engagement, links clicked, blog posts read, downloads, social media activity.
  • It will tell a sales team whether leads are ready for the sale or not.
  1. CRM:

Marketing automation helps to get information about your customers and to know about their interests. You can find out about your customer’s needs easily through lead generation and marketing automation methods. You can engage your customers for a longer period of time, you can nurture them well, you can satisfy them with your offers and your service. Emailing your customers can increase revenue.

  1. Mobile:

It is a digital marketing strategy that helps to target the audience on their mobile phones, tablets, etc through websites, social media apps, MMS, and SMS.

  1. Social media
  • You can nurture your leads on social media apps,
  • You can send ads to you targeted audience on social apps.
  • It helps you to attract new leads.

Lead generation or Automation tools:

It is now difficult to run any successful business without using lead generation or automation tools. Marketing automation requires some tools to make it work more efficiently. Following are are some tools given:

  • It is one of the top marketing automation tool.
  • It automatically set up emails, send information, create follow up task and add new deals. It automatically logs your sales activities.
  • It also helps to get the record of number of calls made, email sent, meetings held and the tasks completed.
  • It helps to run lead generation and to nurture it further.
  • With the help of Hubspot you can see the activities of your customers on your website.
  • Hubspot helps you keep the track of your customers.

  • It helps to build up email campaigns.
  • It creates targeted ads and keeps your customer engaged with your site for too long by giving them discount offers.
  • Mailchimp can help you to collect leads and emails through add-ons.
  • It helps to build up a long-lasting relationship with your customers.



  • It helps you to segment the list according to your customers demand for which they have signed-up.
  • It also helps you know about the needs and demands of your customers.
  • It gives you the insight of the customer’s browsing behavior so you can find out the information and act accordingly, what you have to offer them in personal email.



  • It helps to know the behavior of your subscribers with your email campaigns.
  • It provide data for improvement, how much people are engaging with your website, common behavior, strong and weak points of your contents.
  • It helps you keep a track of delivered emails, unsubscribe rate, open rate, bounce rate & conversion rate.
  • It helps your business to prosper by engaging more customers.


Marketing automation and lead generation tools helping the marketers to make an informed decision about selling their products without wasting time on non serious customers. Automation is easier & time saving than manual processes. Marketing automation is providing marketers an efficient way to interact with their customers, to engage with them for the longer period of time and to make them their loyal customers. In this modem period of  2020 no business can succeed without marketing automation.


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