How to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Adsense Approved Blog

How to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Adsense Approved Blog

To get traffic from the search engines is a hard task for you to increase organic traffic to your Adsense is even Harder. Its reason is that to get traffic from the search engines, you will have to rank your website. These search engines are also the best and free ways to send traffic to your website. If you have an approved Adsense account on your blog, you will have to focus on the traffic. Its reason is that if you are driving more and more traffic to your website, you will earn more revenue. Google Adsense pays based on the CPC and CPM. You can increase the organic traffic of your Adsense approved blog by following these tips

increase organic traffic to your Adsense

Focus On The SEO Of Your Website:

The best and the most effective way to increase the organic traffic of your blog is to focus on SEO to to increase organic traffic to your Adsense. For this reason, you will have to make sure that your website is SEO friendly. You should focus on all three types of SEO. First, you will have to focus on the on-page SEO. On-page SEO means that you should create well-optimized content. You should use proper meta tags and meta description in the content. While creating the SEO friendly content, you should keep in mind visitors rather than search engines. Secondly, you should focus on off-site SEO. In the off-site SEO, there come link building strategies. At last, you will have to focus on on-site SEO. It means that your website should be mobile optimized. You should also use a responsive theme on your website. The loading speed of your website should also be less than three seconds.

Share The SEO-Optimized Content:

Before creating and sharing a blog post, you should conduct proper keyword research. You should try to find such keywords that people are searching in the search engines to increase organic traffic to your Adsense. The monthly searches of these keywords should be greater than 1k. When you focus on the SEO of such blog posts, you can rank them on the search engines. After ranking them in the search engines, you can drive enough traffic to your website. On the other hand, if you are focusing on such keyword which has less than 100 monthly searches, you can’t drive enough traffic to your website even ranking it in the search engines. After finding the high search volume keywords, you should create the well-optimized content.

Focus On The Link Building Strategies:

No doubt, link building is a part of SEO but due to their importance in the search engine ranking to increase organic traffic to your Adsense, we are discussing them separately. Its reason is that search engines love backlinks. These backlinks work as a trust vote for the search engines. There are various ways to get backlinks for your website. You should try to get backlinks for your website from the high DA and PA websites. These websites should also be relevant to the niche of your website. If you are getting backlinks from the irrelevant and spammy websites, search engines will not consider these links as quality links. As a result, you can’t improve the ranking of your website. Some people try to buy links from other websites to increase the ranking of their websites. If Google finds these links, it will penalize to your website. After getting a penalty from the search engines, your website will be disappeared from the search engines.

Keep The Readers Happy By Maintaining Blog Frequency:

If you are not uploading posts on your blog by maintaining a frequency, search engines will not like your blog. Therefore, if you want to increase organic traffic to your Adsense Blog, you should maintain a frequency. By maintaining the blog frequency doesn’t mean that you can upload posts on any topic. You should try to upload posts based on your niche. This is also the best tip to decrease the bounce rate of your website. Its reason is that if readers find enough content on your website, they try to read more than one posts on your website. On the other hand, if your website has limited posts, readers don’t find enough posts to read on your website. If you maintain the frequency on your blog, you can also increase the revenue. Its reason is that more posts mean more visitors and more visitors means more revenue.

Promote Your Blog On Social Media:

According to a dissertation writing service, social media promotion is also the best technique to increase your blog traffic. To promote your blog on social media, you should try to create separate pages and profiles for your blogs. When you share your posts on these pages and profiles, your followers will visit your blog by clicking on these links. The only way to get the attraction of the visitors is to share something interesting and intriguing for the visitors. You should also encourage your followers to share these posts on their profiles. For this reason, you should create shareable content. You should also try to add share buttons in these blog posts. These social media signals are also trusted votes for the search engines. When lots of people are visiting your blog posts from other sources, search engines will consider that you have shared something interesting. As a result, they also boost up the ranking of your blog posts and increase organic traffic to your Adsense. Social media promotion is also the best technique to increase the visibility of your blog posts.

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Focus On The Long-Tail Keywords:

If you are a new blogger and you want to drive organic traffic to your website, you should focus on the long-tail keywords to increase organic traffic to your Adsense. Its reason is that if you are focusing on the short-tail keywords, you will have to face enough competition. As a result, you can’t rank your website against this keyword. On the other hand, if you are focusing on long-tail keywords, you will have face less competition. Therefore, you can easily rank your blog posts without any hard work. If you rank 20 to 30 long-tail keywords in the search engines, you can drive enough traffic to your website. After ranking some keywords in the search engines, you can focus on the short-tail keywords. Its reason is that once you have ranked some keywords in the search engines, search engines will try to trust on your website.

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