How to Become an Electrical Contractor

Electrical contractors specialize in working with electrical equipment and wiring systems. They are responsible for installation, maintenance, repair work, and upgrade of electrical wiring in old buildings. You also need to have multiple business skills, including management, sales, and costing. Electrical contractors can benefit from earning a college degree, but they can also learn to deal at work.

Electrical contracting companies can hire several electricians and dispatch them to work on customer projects. In addition, experienced electricians can start their own contract business and work as independent electrical contractors.

Research your local Teaching Institute. You don’t need a college education to become an electrical contractor, but some higher education can help. Trade schools and universities offer electrical contract courses. A bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering can improve your career prospects, but trade schools also offer useful programs that don’t require a four-year degree.

  • The curriculum for the certificate focuses on topics such as electrical wiring, circuit and motor control, electrical theory, standards for electrical codes, and mathematics to develop the skills and proficiency required to use and calculate electrical frequencies and voltages. Higher degrees will also cover business skills.
  • Universities often offer programs to gain experience as part of their degree programs.

Gain Work Experience

The second step to becoming an electrical contractor is to gain the necessary work experience. Electrical contractors perform a variety of services for residential or commercial real estate. In addition to installing and maintaining electrical systems, many electrical contractors hire and train new electricians, plan and schedule projects with customers, and perform administrative tasks such as preparing quotes and invoices.

Gaining experience and mentoring training in a variety of electrical and supervisory positions will provide you with the basic and industry-related skills and knowledge required for electrical contractors. Working under the supervision of an electrician can give a novice or electrician the skills and experience necessary to obtain a license and perform independent contract work.

Get Certificate of Electrical Contractor

The contractor can get a certificate and it takes about a year. An associate’s degree, taking up to two years; Or a bachelor’s degree, which takes about 4 years. Advanced degrees tend to cover more classes in higher level business skills such as management and contracts. This can often provide an advantage when applying for a large company, but it is not necessary for many jobs.

While not all states require electrical contractors to obtain an electrician or electrical contractor license, states that provide licenses through state boards must obtain an electrical contractor license. Some states require local jurisdiction to provide licenses under local law. Requirements vary from state to state, but most licenses include meeting work experience requirements, paying fees, and passing written tests under the supervision of an electrician. Most states require a license renewal every few years with a fee. It is best to contact the state licensing authority for specific requirements for electrical contractors.



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