A Onboarding for New Hires: 4 Must-Haves for Every Office

A Onboarding for New Hires: 4 Must-Haves for Every Office

You’ve worked hard to recruit the best talent for your team, so it’s important your new hires find satisfaction and success in their new role. One of the best ways to create a welcoming workplace culture that supports your new employees’ work is setting them up for success from day one. And a great way to start is to equip them with the perfect workspace and supplies.

In the days leading up to your new hires’ onboarding, it’s essential to provide a comfortable workspace with all the right tools and fun, crazy desk accessories to help them do their job and find enjoyment in their new role. An organized, well-stocked office is a great way to set the right note for your new hires.

Whether you’re onboarding new hires in the office or virtually, here are four must-haves for every new office.

  • IT Equipment

One of the most critical components of the onboarding process is providing your new employees with the right technology so they can ease into their new role as quickly as possible. At a minimum, this equipment should include:

  • Computer

Nowadays, most employees are equipped with a laptop. However, if you also provide a computer monitor, you’ll also need to provide a keyboard, mouse and the appropriate docking station or cables for your new hire to connect their laptop to the monitor and use the peripherals as necessary.

  • Phone

Depending on whether the new staffer will work in the office or remotely, or both, you’ll need to set up a desk phone, provide a smartphone or instruct your new employees on the policy for using their own smartphone for work purposes.

  • Access Card or Key

If key locks or access cards secure your office area, it’s essential to ensure this card is ready for your new hire’s first day so they can settle in.

Depending on the working arrangement, your onboarding plan should account for shipping a work computer to the new employee’s home or having it set up and ready to go when they come into the office on their first day. The same goes for their phone if you intend to provide them with a work-issued desk landline or mobile phone.

While remote onboarding poses its own set of challenges, getting this critical IT equipment to your new hire and set up well in advance of their start date helps ensure a smooth first day and makes communication effortless for all involved.

Access Card or Key

  • Basic Office Supplies

Once you’ve squared away the IT essentials, you can focus on the fun stuff: office supplies and organization! While some of these supplies are important for getting the job done, it’s also an opportunity to let your new hires create a functional and personalized working space they enjoy.

Starting with the basics, here are some items you don’t want your new staff to go without:

  • A wastebasket and recycle bin
  • Pens, pencils, notepads and sticky notes
  • Stapler, tape and scissors

These are just some of the office supplies your new team member will likely need daily. Depending on your expense budget, as part of your onboarding process, it’s always a good idea to ask your staff whether they need any special accommodations or extra supplies to help them do their job effectively. Sharing a list of additional items they can buy and letting them know what other items they are welcome to add to their office space ensures they have everything they need to get started.

While every employee has their own personal tastes and styles, setting up your new hire’s office is a wonderful way to create a welcoming and functional workspace for them to start in. That way, they can come in on their first day and focus on their onboarding plan rather than getting things set up.

Once they’re settled in, they’ll have an opportunity to personalize their space with all their favorite photos and keepsakes. A thoughtful gesture for any new employee is to offer tips on how to organize your desk office or cubicle at work. If this is their first job, their first time in an office in a while or perhaps their first remote onboarding experience, providing these helpful tips can go a long way to making them feel comfortable. Plus, it will offer a friendly reminder you want them to have some fun with their office setup and express themselves!

  • Open Door Communication

Once you’ve provided all the office must-haves to your new hire and given them everything they need to succeed in their new role, you must establish means of communication. Having an open door policy that allows your new employee to email, chat, call or video conference you with questions, concerns and more can help them feel at ease and eliminate those new job jitters.

If your newest team member is working from home, establishing open communication is especially critical. Because you can’t simply stop by their desk to see how they’re doing, regular virtual check-ins can help them feel welcomed and thought of as they get onboarded.

  • Office Resources

Beyond office essentials like equipment and supplies, your new hires will benefit greatly from having office resources at their fingertips. New employees need guidance, especially during their first week. Whether electronic or printed, equipping your new hire with the office’s essential documents will give your employees the tools they need to learn the ropes. Here are some resources to consider:

  • Policies and Procedures

If your organization has official policies and procedures, these should be included in the employee’s orientation or emailed, so they have them before their first day. For instance, this might consist of the dress code, important information on workplace harassment and other critical information.

  • Office Map and Parking Information

Even if they’re not in the office yet, it’s essential to help give your new staffer the lay of the land. Providing a map of the office and parking structures can help them navigate the building with ease.

  • Employee Directory

To make communication easier and to help your new hire know who to call for what, be sure to provide the most up-to-date employee directory. This is also an excellent way for them to get to know other team members.

Make Your New Hires Feel Like Part of the Company

Regardless of whether your onboarding process is being done in the office or remotely, first impressions matter. How you welcome a new employee into your organization will have a strong impact on their comfort level, engagement and success. To help your new hire feel welcomed and ready to hit the ground running, make sure you equip them with the proper technology, office supplies and resources. And don’t forget to help them have some fun in creating the perfect workspace.

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