5 Work Time Clock Features That Will Make Your Life Easier

Time clock software allows you to see when employees need time off and schedule everyone based on their needs. However, these systems can now do a lot more than that. If you are running a business, you should know about these hidden features that make your life as an owner a little bit easier.

The last thing you need is extra stress that impacts your business and employees. So take a load off and check out some of these fantastic features you may not have even known about.

Five Of The Best Features

The beauty of using work time clock software is that there are so many to choose from. However, that makes it hard to know what sort of features are available. Here are five features we think you would like and should look for while shopping.

  • Payroll Integration: Nothing is more frustrating than having a highly accurate online timecard system but not having a way to sync that information with a payroll provider. Many of the new online time clock solutions can be fully integrated with your payroll system. This allows you to sit back, relax, and know that your employees are getting paid accurately for every minute worked.
  • Overtime and Other Alerts: Whether in the office, on the road, or while on vacation, you can set up this system to send you alerts. You will be alerted when an employee punches in, punches out, was late for their shift, or if they’re nearing overtime. This can help you make sure labor costs are where you need them to be and that business operations are going on without a hitch as usual. If someone is continuously getting overtime that doesn’t need to be there, you can speak to them about it with proof in your hands.
  • Automatic Punch-Outs: Let’s be honest; every business owner has one employee that continually forgets to punch out. If you know your employee has this habit, you can set the work time clock to punch out that employee automatically. This will help with any confusion on payday and allow your employee to know they are still getting paid accurately. This can be one of the best features ever!
  • Customer Support: You will want to find a time and attendance app with a customer support team to help you set your account up to meet your business needs. They should be there to help answer any questions that arise or address any technical issues. Always be sure to choose one with a team willing to teach you all of the secrets of using this system. It can be a huge advantage and make things less confusing on your end.
  • One Schedule: This feature allows all employees to view one schedule and add time off requests in the same place. You should choose online timesheet software that allows open communication between you and your team in one area where everyone can see. This makes it easier for you to schedule people appropriately rather than having your team ask in multiple places. This feature will allow things to be seen clearly and will not add any confusion to your already hectic life.

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More features are unique to the online time clock software you pick out, and it is essential to really go through them all to find the one that works best for your company. Be sure to ask the team or vendor who is selling you the software to go over each feature in detail to see if it can improve your business in any way.

Final Thoughts

Making the switch to a work time clock can help your team become more productive and happier when they know they are being held accountable for all actions on a shift, and it can also make your life much easier. You can take a step back and allow them to have a sense of freedom. This may seem scary, but it can be one of the best ways to create a unique team that will ensure your business’s success.

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