What is a business writer

whatis a business writer on typewriter

A business writer is a type of writer who creates and manages an organized, research article, document, etc. This is usually done for business and can be in all kinds of media and formats.

These writers usually write on topics related to finance, economics, the stock market, and other related things. A business writer must be extremely organized and a good researcher when writing his articles.

Employers generally require that you have at least a college degree when they are looking for business writers. Degrees such as journalism, business, English and others are the most common degrees they can get.

A business writer can be found working for magazines, newspapers, and other related publications. On average, they earn about $54,000 a year. However, a business writer makes about $37.30 an hour, which works out to over $77,600 a year. This business is booming.

What are they doing?

A business writer requires many skills. Their clients demand perfection and accuracy in writing, so certain skills must be acquired in order to continue a career. A business writer typically needs the following skills:

  • Computer skills
  • Management Skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Editing skills
  • Organization skills

A business writer in his daily work is engaged in drawing up plans and proposals for a business. They may also write reports on the economy and other financial factors. But the important thing a business writer does is that he writes down information about a business to present it to a reader who is looking at the plans for said business. It helps to contextualize the plan or report in an organized manner in order to understand it. Many business writers are also often freelancers.

Other responsibilities

  • Explore business topics to provide readers with well-researched articles on a specific topic.
  • Interview various famous personalities such as entrepreneurs, representatives, businessmen and others for the benefit of the reader.
  • Create content for the business they work for. This may include written articles, newsletters and other related works.
  • Working with shareholders to create company plans
  • Write business books

How to become a business writer

A freelance writer can be a really good help. But it takes a lot of work, skill and practice to be successful. First, your success will depend on your knowledge of the business world. And also convince others that you can do the job. If you are in college or planning to go to college, having a business degree or a similar degree can set you apart from the competition.

Having experience in areas such as snooping, knowing people in the business, or internships also has a positive effect on your chances of becoming a business writer.

A surefire way to become a business writer is to greatly improve your writing skills. There’s a lot here ways to improve such as the:

  • Practice your writing on a consistent schedule
  • Read all types of content to find out how writers express ideas and opinions in ways you might not have known.
  • Edit your work and triple check it to make sure everything is 100% correct.
  • Write simply – your letter will be received positively if you write it in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Draw conclusions quickly – A business writer should have concise content for the reader so that it can be delivered effectively.

What kind of business writer are you?

As with most freelance writing jobs, there are many styles you can take on. Here are some common writers you will meet:

  • Content Contributor: For the purpose of educating and informing the masses through media such as blogs.
  • Copywriter: This business writer can and will work for multiple clients to improve the company’s success.
  • Ghostwriter: A ghostwriter is someone who will create content for the business to the point of exactly what the client wants from the product.
  • Browser: Freelance writers who work on or for the publication type. Their form of writing is author’s articles on a variety of topics.
  • Academic Writer: Producing educational content, usually for a college or educational organization. Their content is scientific articles and materials.


Business writers have the important job of providing accurate, organized, and easy-to-read content for publications and businesses. This could be for the continued success of the company or you could be writing articles for a blog or publication. They must have many well-versed skills to stay ahead of the competition and impress the clients you are looking for.

Make sure you have a strong writing style, know how to research things the right way, and know your grammar and communication skills. With all this at hand, you will be a successful business writer.


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