Top 10 Ways to Make Money for Students

college students earn money

Do you think it’s impossible to make ends meet in college? Is the cost of education increasing by the hour? With textbooks, tuition, food, transportation, and accommodation, most students find it difficult to meet their budget. Worse, they end up in a terrible financial situation. In addition, it is difficult to find time to earn money and study.

So what can you do to survive as a college student without getting into excessive debt? The first thought that comes to mind is to find a part-time job to cover your expenses. And you are 100% right. To help you, we will share ten practical ways to make money while studying at university. Keep reading and find your next challenge!

What makes a great part-time job for students?

An ideal job will not distract you from your studies and interfere with lectures. Therefore, your best chance is to find flexible work that doesn’t drain you physically and mentally. However, what you find should be financially sound and support you through difficult times.

That’s why we’ve narrowed down our selection to jobs that require a small investment. Plus, you won’t need any special equipment and you’ll be able to do most tasks from the comfort of your apartment or dorm. Finally, the part-time jobs we offer are safe and suitable for students with different skills and interests.

Turn your hobby into a side job

When deciding which job to take on, research your hobbies first. Doing what you love brings satisfaction and will not be perceived as work. So, if you love to write, check out your options at Edusson and apply for a job. Or start your own blog. Similarly, consider selling your art and crafts virtually if you’re a creative soul.

The Easiest Ways to Make Money in College

The options we provide will help you earn extra money quickly. What’s more, all ideas are legitimate and require a little prior experience. Here’s what you can try depending on your inclinations.

Be a freelance writer

Freelancing is an easy way to increase your income if you’re into writing. And if you’re wondering where to start, there are many websites and blogs to try. For example, you can contribute to a site that will write an essay for you for money. Skilled writers might consider setting their work schedule around specific deadlines.

In addition, many companies hire content creators to help them write letters and emails, solve technical problems, and compose brochures. Sites like Upwork and FWJ are great places to start looking.

Become a YouTube Vlogger

For those who love making videos and experimenting with them, becoming a YouTube blogger is a good way to get paid. In general, the more views your content gets, the more ads it will attract and increase your revenue. On average, YouTube bloggers earn about $7 per 1,000 views. If you promote affiliate offers or sell products, the income will grow.

Working as a freelance social media manager

Businesses of all sizes have realized that communication networks are an incredible tool to drive sales and increase brand awareness. Consequently, many business owners are hiring staff to update their online channels and promote their products and services on new platforms.

If you have no previous experience, volunteer to help your school group or local company. Soon you will start applying for jobs at well-known companies willing to pay for your work.

Mentors who fall behind

Are you good at math? Are you a science addict? Then why not use your talent to get money? In addition to making money, educating your peers is also a noble job.

You can also contact the employment office at your university or contact local schools for mentoring opportunities. Registration via Chegg, Udemyand HelpHub is another viable option where you can set your schedule and rates.

Edit or correct documents

If you are good at English, try to find clients who need a proofreader to proofread their articles. In addition to the money part, this part-time job is ideal for literary, linguistic or journalistic specialties. To get started, tell your classmates on the college campus that you provide editing services. However, explain that you are not rewriting their articles, but offering feedback and comments.

Try a pet or babysitter

Are you particularly interested in caring for young children? Perhaps you love walking puppies? If these scenarios sound familiar to you, try babysitting or pets for your neighbors. If you prove yourself worthy of the commitment, other people will hire you. These jobs are perfect for weekends when you’re less busy and don’t have to attend classes.

Submit your learning materials

Are there too many books in your room that are gathering dust? Don’t worry because you can make money from your notes, handouts and other materials. The first step you can take is to sell them to the generations that come after you.

If visiting college campuses annoys you, enter the virtual environment and try Facebook or other platforms suitable for this purpose. Typically, the site receives a percentage of the asking price and you must meet the eligibility requirements.

Become a Teaching Assistant

Most teachers find it impossible to juggle all of their responsibilities and are in desperate need of help. And so, what are you waiting for? Ask your professor directly or talk to the administration and start helping out with research, grading assignments, or doing administrative work. Pay can vary, but you can also get a tuition discount to offset your efforts.

Delivery of products

Food delivery is a popular part-time job with lots of tips and flexible working hours. All you have to do is sign up for service apps like Uber Eats, DoorDash, or Amazon and start shipping. And no, you won’t be driving, so don’t worry if you don’t have a car.

Complete online surveys

Consider signing up on platforms like Survey Junkie and Pinecone 18-24 where you can earn money, rewards, and freebies for completing virtual surveys from your dorm. The tasks are simple and you can easily fit them into your schedule. Of course, this is far from a permanent income, but not as difficult as being a virtual assistant or a translator.


Making money in college while taking exams is not easy. It takes time, willpower and perseverance to endure. However, it is a great way to reduce debt after graduation, gain practical knowledge, and increase your savings. I hope this list helps you choose the perfect combination for your skill set.


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